Nature at theTop of Denmark
Vendsyssel consists of moraine formations and remains of a raised seabed. The landscape is a peculiar mixture of uplands reaching above the level of the vast plateaus and areas of shifting sand and undulating dunes. Here, almost all forms of the Danish nature are represented in one place, and two unique types of landscapes are R�bjerg Mile and Store Vildmose. In the old days, these areas of land were inaccessible and dangerous, and many mysterious and fantastic legends about this part of the country have been spread throughout time. Trolls and elves have, allegedly, haunted these areas.

At the Top of Denmark you can experience a rich and varied fauna and flora. Throughout the year the nature guides of the area organize guided tours that bring you close to nightingales, wild orchids, interesting types of edible mushrooms, herbs and many more wonderful experiences of nature.

Although Denmark is an agricultural country you can experience areas of untouched nature, e.g. along the coastline, where the power of nature is so strong that it is impossible for man to conquer it. Here, plants and animals live without being disturbed by outsiders. Further into the country you can enjoy the beautiful sight of luxuriant valleys with winding rivers, colourful woods, fields and windbreaks. Above you the lark will be singing, and at your feet hedgehogs and squirrels are to be found. In the fields hares and deer jump about.